Your Daily MomScope for July 03, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Get ready to roll! Whether on vacation or taking your turn in the carpool, you're eager to hit the road and in no mood to follow the GPS, either. Give in to the urge to take an unplanned side trip or two. It will have the kiddos cheering.


This is a day when your famous tortoise style beats out all the hares. So take it easy, especially in traffic. An impromptu sing-a-long with your little passengers will keep them happy in the car seats -- and you in good spirits, too!


There's much you want to get off your chest today, but lectures remind your little one of schooldays to come. Simply make your point and then let it percolate. Your first mate is a little touchy, too, so choose all words carefully.


Work-life balance -- what's that? Remember objects in motion tend to stay in motion, so just keep juggling and you won't drop a single ball today. By evening, the physical matters more than physics, especially to your other.


Toss the agenda today, as it will be impossible to stick to schedule. The kids will be late for the birthday party -- but so what? Stay positive, improvise and get ready for a romantic surprise your other half has planned for later.

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Much as you strive to stick to schedule, other people keep changing it up. Be prepared to pinch-hit in the carpool. And to answer some left-field questions from your tyke, like why certain body parts have other names you're not supposed to say.


There's no holding you back today. As you make a great escape into the wilds of the mall, your enthusiasm may blind you to the subtle signals your little one is giving. The dawdling might mean they really are pooped, so plan some rest stops.


You're a true-blue friend, always there in a pinch. But that doesn't mean you should let a gal pal put the squeeze on. Think carefully about that big favor she wants. And insist she pay her half of the lunch bill this time.


This fast-paced day has you yearning to get off the beaten track -- and far. You set a pace that will have the kiddos huffing and puffing to keep up! Just don't lead them too far astray, as they really do like the same old flowers and ladybugs.


There's nothing like a challenge to get you going. Today they're all too small for your liking, although there are a lot of them. While you're helping the little one count all the way to 10, you'll find that exercise works wonders on your own stress levels.


Sometimes the folks who seem the most sure of themselves are the ones who need the biggest hand. One of the other moms in your kiddo's playgroup fits the bill. You may not only get a chance to be helpful but to make a new friend as well.


You may be in the right today -- and most likely are -- but keep it to yourself. The boss is in one of those moods, and nothing you can say will change that. At least the kiddo won't tune you out, especially if you phrase your request in a song or poem.

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