Your Daily MomScope for January 27, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


My, how your tyke's appetite has grown -- and their pickiness. It might be a good time to find some new recipes from other moms to try out. There's no limit to the baby-friendly snacks you could prepare. Bon appetit.


Uh, oh! Power struggles can break out today. The tyke may suddenly decide they don't want to go to karate or dance class. Or they somehow disable the parental control option. Keep your cool, it'll all blow over quickly.


Those big ideas of yours won't do anyone any good until you put them into action. Round up the kiddos and get them working on that puppet show or day care musical. You might have some rising stars on your hands.


This is a good day to share the wealth. It's natural that your baby thinks the shopping trip should be all about them and what they want to get. Be patient as you explain the budget -- and get something for yourself!


A lioness needs to bask in glory now and then. Today is a good day to celebrate your many achievements, even if you have a fan club of one. Your kiddo might even make a speech at the special lunch you hold in your honor.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


Toys and games are strewn hither and yon, and there seems to be no end to it. Much as you want to get organized, it's probably not going to happen up to your standards today. But you can work on perfecting a system.


Your kiddo may turn to you for answers to questions you're not sure how to answer. It could be about the birds and bees or the GDP. If you can stall, double check to make sure what you have to reveal is age appropriate.


You're in a take-charge mood today. Use it to take on an important assignment at work: You'll score big points with your positive attitude. Just don't challenge the authority of those who are really in charge.


Are striped onesies passe? Will the hoodie ever go out of style? Your tyke can help you keep up with the latest trends, and today is no exception. Staying in the know will help seal your rep as a totally cool mom.


Try not to be too demanding today. It's one thing to ask that your kiddos and mate pull their weight around the house. It's quite another to make them do all the chores, plus peel you some grapes and massage your feet.


There's really no reason to go it alone today. Muster the other moms for an impromptu get-together with the tykes in tow. This little experiment of yours could be the beginning of a new Mommy and Me group.


You can make mealtime fun for the kiddo today. Load up their plate with the colors of the rainbow -- orange carrots, green broccoli, yellow tomatoes and so forth. Who knew nutrition could be so artistic and fun?

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞