Your Daily MomScope for August 20, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You could make today all about house chores -- but that would be a waste of a wonderful day. Instead help the tyke out with the things that mean the most to them. Such as those important puzzles or that tricky counting-to-10 business.


It will take some doing to dodge an unwelcome invitation, perhaps to dinner with the boring couple -- which means you may have to explain the difference between diplomacy and lying to the tyke. But what your other half later proposes is not to be missed.


This is a perfect day to catch up on some correspondence. A favorite aunt or uncle has been waiting for news, so catch them up on what's been happening. The tyke will enjoy getting in on the act, such as writing their own postscript.


Have another mom over for coffee and let her in on your big plan. You just might end up with a new partner for your pet project or side business. Don't be put off if she has very different ideas, as that's what makes for a dynamic rapport.


You've set a plan for the day, but would be wise not to carve it in stone. More than one change will be necessary before the sun sets. If you stay open to improvising, this can be a very enjoyable day, wrapping up a spontaneous storytelling session.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


This is a great day to start making plans. Sketch out the gist and don't worry about making them come together quickly. The tyke will definitely have big ideas of their own, which could test your patience. You can negotiate anything, though.


On the one hand, you should get a jump on the big fall cleanup. But you really want to do as little as possible. The tyke saves the day by reminding you about a promised kite expedition, which makes for a perfect afternoon together.


You should do a favor for a friend today. One of your gal pals from day care or down at the playground is in need of some assistance, so go ahead and lend that helping hand. You'll be glad you did when it's returned down the line.


You're tempted to issue an edict regarding your tyke's behavior. Of course, you're in the right, yet the lecture will probably have the opposite effect. But if you remember to offer a choice, the change will be almost instantaneous.


If your mind strays, it won't go too far today. You're focused on very practical matters, such as getting ahead in your career. If you sit down with pen and paper, you should be able to work out most of the details of your big plan.


You'll want to go beneath the surface today. Perhaps, literally as in finding the lost binky under the couch cushion. Or figuratively, as in realizing a few tears now over a time out is worth it in creating a well-adjusted person down the road.


Get all the facts before you make a decision. You may not want the tyke to go on that sleepover. But once you ask some questions, you'll realize you have no real objections. And the little one will feel so independent and grown up!

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!