Your Daily Work Horoscope for September 25, 2022

Your Daily Work Horoscope for September 25, 2022. Discover your Daily Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Your workplace is riddled with plots and subplots, which are easy to get involved in. Resist the temptation. You have plenty of your own stuff to work on and can't afford distractions or drama.


You'll probably have to deal with multiple contradictions today, especially when it comes to overlapping levels of management and bureaucracy. Instead of letting confusion reign, just stay focused on your own work. Clarity will come soon enough.


You can rely on good luck to carry you through, especially when circumstance go south. If anything, you will find even greater success than you expected. Luckily, you have the ability to see the positive side of things.


Beware of bad business practices on the part of your rivals and competitors. What's even worse is some of your peers might be in on it. Don't turn a blind eye and stay silent. Consider blowing the whistle even if it makes you the office pariah for a while.


Creative energy is crackling through the workplace and you're in the thick of things. New ideas and great designs come to you almost effortlessly. It's up to you to cull the good proposals from the not so good and figure out a way to make it happen.

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Multiple stresses will aggravate you, but don't let it bog you down too much. If you look hard enough, you should find a silver lining amid the chaos. Take heart in the new possibilities that arise from these difficult times.


Your style is on top right now, and you'll blow people away with your charm and enthusiasm. It's a great time to chat up the boss or take an important client out to lunch. Whatever you do, do it big. You'll dazzle the heck out 'em.


Circumstances will change and morph beyond what you could have anticipated, so if you want to stay productive you'll need to stay flexible. It's a good time to get involved in team projects. Let everyone have a piece of the burden. And the glory.


Your lighthearted teasing and wordplay might get taken just a little too seriously by coworkers or (worse) customers. Try to keep things professional for now. The mood will lighten up soon enough.


Adopt an attitude of extreme skepticism toward any acquisition that comes your way for approval. If you can plainly see that it's in line with the budget and projections, then move forward, but if not, say no.


You have to know when to say when, and today's the day. Bring in someone from outside to help mediate an ongoing dispute. You might be up for it yourself, but your objectivity will almost certainly be questioned, most likely by both sides.


You can't afford to be shy today, so it's a good thing you're feeling especially bold. Take the risk and speak out of turn when you feel the need. You will find nothing but success if you override your fear and make that bold move.

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