Your Daily HomeScope for July 07, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You would like to be done with this project as soon as possible, but take the time to make sure that it gets done right. Don't paint the second coat until the first coat is dry, and keep the cake in the oven until that fork comes out clean. Doing it right means doing it once, no shortcuts.


You have been looking forward to these plans all week. Don't let weather or fatigue get in the way of attending this inspiring, fun event. This is actually your chance to make a huge change, and all obstacles will seem like nothing.


Look out for some strong undercurrents this evening. Whether your basement floods or your toilet overflows, have plenty of paper towels on hand and prepare yourself for the deluge. It's not the end of the world -- just a little drop in a bucket.


If the salad has fruit in it and the mole sauce has a fabulous chocolate base, balance your menu by making dessert a little less sweet than usual. Apply this rule to the rest of your life, too, making sure that the whole menu -- not just the entree -- is delicious.


Some rather 'important' people are coming over this week, and you want to make a great impression. While it's good to dust the surfaces and fluff the pillows, don't go overboard. Let your home look lived in and natural, and don't worry too much about a few frayed edges. These are the honest and interesting bits of your life.

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Your hard work will pay off in multiples this week. But it's not just your commitment to the project you've started, but the thought you've put into every step of the process. Take time to select the right color, size, and feel of whatever you are working on, and make sure it is a perfect fit for your life.


You may be determined to get into the tool shed this afternoon, even though it's nasty outside. Don't be surprised if your fingers get a bit banged up while you look for whatever it is you're after. Consider how much you really need the item. Or is this something you could pick up at the hardware store?


Opposing ideas may plague your home today as you and a housemate bicker over details. Whether you disagree about modern decor versus vintage, or think the entryway should feature cacti instead of roses, it will take some pretty big compromises to work your way out of this one.


Use moderation with certain things today, especially those that are easy answers to problems. Don't rely on salt to make your food delicious -- if you're using fresh ingredients, the flavors should come out on their own.


What little remains of your garden seems to be disappearing, but not because you're eating it. Spot the critter that is thieving from your yard. Come up with a creative solution to scare off the rabbits, squirrels or deer that have made themselves so welcome in your garden.


With a recent hankering for sweets and a propensity toward chips, you may have had to draw the line when it comes to certain foods. Some restrictions can be empowering. Apply this newfound strength to other parts of your life.


Don't set any rules for yourself today -- just make sure that whatever you do can be defined as easy. If you sit down to knit, don't try out any fancy stitches. And if you have a hankering to cook, don't crack open that French cookbook. Go with simple classics, and only undertake things you know will make you happy.

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