Your Daily HomeScope for January 26, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Don't be scared when an Indian recipe calls for you to roast an eggplant over the burner on your stove. Though it may feel strange holding the eggplant with the tongs, trust that you'll know just when it needs to be turned and exactly when it's done.


You may feel like you're living in a constant state of transition, but that's just the tarps and sawdust talking. The home renovation will be over soon. Keep the big picture in mind, even if it takes revisiting the sketches and looking longingly at the yet-to-be installed tiles.


When your hollyhocks simply refuse to bloom, don't spend time sulking in the garden -- get on the phone and call your friends. There must be something you can do to fix the situation, and likely someone close to you has the answer.


Based on unforeseen circumstances, you may experience a role reversal in your home today. If you are used to cooking the dinners, you may need to let someone else take the reins. And if you never do the home repairs, you may be wielding an electric drill in your near future


Take the time to learn a new skill. You may feel a little awkward at first, but you'll improve over time. Whether you learn how to spin wool into yarn, or sign up for a watercolor painting class at the community center, enjoy feeling like a kid again.

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You may be fooled a few times today by what's real and what's not. Though the bouquet of silk flowers at your friend's home may be lovely, this might be the moment you decide that, no matter how impractical, you'll always prefer cut flowers to the fake ones.


Every time you go into your own yard, you may not be able to get out of your gardener's mindset. If you can't stop critiquing your own lawn and shrubs, then go enjoy the outdoors in a park. Find ways to enjoy nature without overthinking it.


Though you may think that your conversation is greatly appreciated, your physical body may not be so helpful in the kitchen today. Unless you're prepping food, steer clear of the kitchen -- the cooks may be in a testy mood today, and you don't want to press any buttons


Explore a part of your yard that you rarely visit today. Whether it's the wood stack in the side yard or the hillside where the juniper bushes grow, take some time to investigate your property, imagining just what you could do with this land.


After the big meal this weekend, you may still have a mountain of dishes piled up in your sink. Don't wait 'til the dishes become a permanent fixture. Put on your gloves and dig into the pile. Things will go even quicker if you have a helper to dry the dishes and chat with you.


Certain patterns will transfix you today. Don't be surprised to find yourself getting lost in a book of wallpaper samples or letting your eyes travel over the floral pattern on your kitchen curtains. Enjoy the artistry that has gone into your everyday things.


Things may be a bit camouflaged for you today as items that are right before your eyes will seemingly disappear into their surroundings. Like trying to spot aphids on a houseplant, you may need to squint and get a little closer to see what's happening right in front of you.

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