Your Daily HomeScope for December 08, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You have such an overflow of charm today that everything seems to fall into your lap. It is a good day to get on the phone to your credit card companies and request lower interest rates and a waiver on the annual fees.


Browse through your books and find a classical love poem. Dive into the sensual words, read the poem aloud, close your eyes and try to imagine what love must have been like in the days before cars and supermarkets. Increase you brain power by memorizing the poem to recite to someone you love now or want to love like that in the future. Let tapers set a romantic mood at the evening meal.


Sometimes you need to distance yourself from your friends and family. Create sacred space for yourself in a room that is entirely yours, be it your office, bathroom or bedroom. If you need a lock, install it. If bubbles soothe you, go ahead and soak in the tub. Even if a shelf on the wall with room for special trinkets is the biggest space of your very own, use it.


A beloved friend from your knitting circle and another friend from yoga class who have never had the chance to meet each other. Why not organize a little get-together? Maybe your friends will hit if off. The laughter will be so much louder with the three of you joking in the kitchen while you prepare a healthy meal.


'I want to be alone,' you find yourself muttering as you roll out of bed. If, after you brush your teeth and wash your face you still feel like being a hermit and crab around your own house, do it. Get out the appropriate cleaners and polish your shells -- your windows and mirrors, your door and cabinet knobs.

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Think back to the early spring days when you were still creaky from winter and putting the seeds in the soil. Imagine blooming flowers and brightly colored vegetables. This is a gentle reminder that some things in life need time before they make sense. Synchronize your clocks from the mantle to the computer so you won't be too early or too late.


From the very moment you open your eyes this morning, you feel like you need to create more space in the garage. Open the big door so you have room to think. Can the bicycles be hung on the walls where the children can still get them, yet they are out of the way so you can park your car? Can adult bikes be hung from the rafters? Figure out exactly what you want to change and get on it ASAP.


Simply lovely! You adore the idea of putting up old velvety Victorian wallpaper on one of your walls to create a classical atmosphere in your home. Try to find where you can buy this wallpaper, the techniques for application and what tools you need to successfully finish this project. Invite your friends over for a tea party.


You come back to your car with both arms full of grocery bags and even though the parking meter just expired two minutes ago, you're already being written a ticket. Avoid fuming over an incident like this. Put the groceries away gently so you don't mar the cupboards or break a glass shelf in the refrigerator. Rejoice you are not a parking cop.


Once the blooms have died from your flowering bulbs, it's time to start deadheading. Similarly, removing expired blossoms from annuals will encourage more flowers. Daffodil bulbs can also be divided, as clusters form and you can spread out the loveliness of these early spring beauties.


You've roped your household into helping to trim the hedges and prune your conifers later this month, but you can work on flowering shrubs like azaleas and rhododendrons on your own. Add fertilizer as soon as they've gone through the flowering cycle, and remove seed pods (not the buds) to enhance next year's flowers.


You see your neighbor building a greenhouse in her backyard. Why not offer your help? You can learn a little bit more about both her and secrets of greenhouse design. Perhaps one day you will be leaning on your shovel in your garden, chatting and taking a break with your neighbor while you digging the foundations for your own.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.