Your Daily FoodScope for January 27, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Your business day will be as heavy as a bag of rocks. Complication will arise and a migraine will ensue. Stir fry salmon in olive oil after work and have that with rice for dinner. Both fish and oil have been proven to alleviate the mind-splitting effects of headaches.


You may be sensitive to the remarks of others today. Being so thin-skinned will keep you from seeing that they're only having fun. So keep to yourself anyway. Eat your tuna sub on sourdough and apple alone in the back of the cafeteria. This way you won't hear them comment on what a creep you are.


You'll feel slow and lethargic today. This could be the result of blowing off breakfast. You may try to regain focus by eating a cup of yogurt, but it may be too little too late. So redeem yourself at lunch. A big bowl of Irish stew and a salad could have you thinking like a junior Einstein again.


Stick to the things you know today. Entering dark, mysterious caves could have you coming face to face with scary monsters. Lunch at your local diner will present the opportunity to do just that. An open-faced turkey sandwich in thick gravy will be as familiar to you as an old friend.


People will try to entice you with things that could do you harm today. They may be convincing with their shifty eyes and oily smiles. So turn down their invitations to fast food lunches. One bite of a double cheese, double patty burger with fries will having them winning the battle for your soul.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


You'll attack today with the relentless ferocity of a pit bull. Fittingly, you'll have something for lunch that will match your strong animal impulses. Spare ribs will be perfect. This way you can enjoy the savory meat, and gnaw on all those bones afterwards.


Curiosity may have you seeking out new and quirky foods today. The Japanese are always coming up with something ... different, so check it out. Sakana no ikizukuri will be an interesting fish choice, but you may want to wait until it stops squirming before you dig in.


Falling into a quagmire of rapid weight gain could be due to stress-induced eating. Find a way out though meditation and adopting new eating strategies. Reach for a banana or yogurt when you feel the stress. It'll beat the candy bars and potato chips that got you into this mess in the first place.


You may be feeling blue today and you'll try to figure out why. That may be an exercise in futility so do what you can to cope. A happy lunch could help you brighten your spirit. Salmon dill salad on croissants will bring merriment, especially if you toss in plenty of horseradish.


Look closely at the details before trying anything today. There may be hidden things that could trip you up. That supposedly low fat thousand island salad dressing may actually be loaded with trans fats, making that salad as unhealthy as a pile of French fries.


The rumor mill may be saying that you're up for a promotion. You're not sure how you feel about the added responsibilities, so a career crisis may be building. Mull over your options at lunch. Keep it inexpensive; a cup of chicken soup and a roast beef sandwich may be all you can afford.


You'll sit squarely in the middle of the fence today. As such you'll be unable to make decisions of any kind. But it'll be okay to be wishy-washy. That means you can have something as bland as oatmeal and plain toast for breakfast and not really mind.

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