Your Daily FoodScope for January 26, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Nothing will be as easy as A-B-C today as you become mired in annoying details. But take a step back to determine how best to strip away the extraneous fluff. Take the pepperoncinis, pickles and olives out of the equation and what you'll have left is the absolute essence of a classic ham and cheese on rye.


Your diplomatic skills will be put to the test today as you're forced to settle squabbles at the breakfast table. As usual, cool logic will prevail and they'll see there's not a lot of difference between pancakes and waffles. Pour a half gallon of syrup over top and you won't even know the difference.


Clearing the more mundane chores and errands out of the way early will give you more time for a leisurely stroll around your local farmer's market. Fabulous dinner ideas will pop into your head as you peruse the bounty. But keep it simple; a fresh green salad with locally made chicken pot pies will be perfect.


Your communication skills will be sharp today. You'll get your messages across succinctly and convince people to do things your way. So talking friends into sushi for lunch shouldn't be a problem. But getting them to pick up the tab -- now that's another story.


A budget review may reveal an unexpected surplus. So splurge a little today! A shopping spree will be fun but exhausting. Take a break at a French bistro. Cheesy onion soup and crab and mushroom quiche will give you energy for round two.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


You'll have to deal with the small things before taking in the big picture today. But that may not be as taxing as you think. It could be something as delicious as enjoying the antipasto and gnocchi before digging into the fileti di tonno.


If you have kids, teaching them how to cook will go a long way toward helping them establish their self-sufficiency. So have a kitchen classroom session today, but keep things simple. Mac and cheese, meatloaf or a simple beef marinara sauce will make them feel like maestros.


You love to argue, and you'd really be something as a senate filibuster. But some facts can't be debated: pure and simple. Your body needs carbs to burn as fuel and for proper brain functioning. Whole-grain breads, rice and pasta are your best choices -- so are the carbs naturally found in fruit.


Take time to make smart decisions today. Rushing into things is how you wind up having pizza for lunch, or nothing at all. Slow down and find a place that offers choices, such as salads, soups and healthy sandwiches. Then enjoy your lunch and a chance to breathe before you go racing off again.


You can get a lot achieved today if you keep yourself focused. Allow distractions to disrupt your flow and you could wind up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in one hand, the remote in the other, 157 channels and nothing to watch.


Handling the small details will be spell the difference between success and failure today. So be careful with your application of Tabasco sauce or red pepper flakes when it comes to that pot of homemade chili con carne. Use too much and your masterpiece may be inedible.


You may need some help in recovering from a busted relationship today. Dinner with friends will be good. Ordering the pot roast with mashers and gravy will be even better. The earthy goodness of a down-home meal will take you back to kinder, gentler times.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙