Your Daily FoodScope for August 11, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


A quicksand of details will keep you from rushing ahead today. Frustrated with the snail's pace, your blood pressure will skyrocket as your pulse quickens. Substitute your double latte with a soothing herbal tea or water ASAP. Too much caffeine will only make you more stressed.


You'll get hit in the derriere with Cupid's arrow today as love is in the air! Show your honey what a sweetie you are with a romantic home cooked dinner. Just be yourself; don't go overboard with any fancy recipes. A heartfelt spaghetti and meatball feast will be fine. It's always the little things...


You'll handle details today with an attentiveness that can only be described as anal. Nothing will slip by your eagle eye. But all that brain work will leave you exhausted. It could be a good idea to treat yourself to a crab feast and let someone take care of the details.


Analytical thinking will reveal important elements behind work problems. This will help you find solutions, making you the office hero! Don't get cocky, though! You don't want your co-workers feeding you humble pie. You'll far prefer the cherry pie with ice cream they'll bring to the office celebration.


Keeping your impulses to a dull roar could keep you from going overboard today. That could be hard for someone as impetuous as you. And while you wholly enjoy the grilled chicken and veggies you'll have for dinner, you would much rather have an extra cheese pepperoni pizza.

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A heartbroken friend may need to talk you today. You're always there for a friend, but don't serve coffee with your chat. Caffeine and sugar will only add to the stress. Try squeezing half a lemon in a pot of hot water. That's a warm, soothing drink that's been known to relax nerves and lift spirits.


That nagging voice in your head will be impossible to tune out today. It'll be like your mother's living in your head! You'll pretend not to hear it, yet you'll still heed it. So make the healthy choice today and have salmon filets and veggies rather than burgers and beer. Your Mom will be so proud!


A newly single friend may be feeling lonely today. So open your home for a meal designed to soothe an aching heart. Serve a hearty tuna casserole because things are always better with comfort food. But don't let your friend crash on your couch or you could have permanent house guest.


People will drive you crazy today. It could ruin your whole day if you let them get to you. After work, head far from the maddening crowd. Your backyard could be just the place. That's where you can relax in a hammock, sipping iced tea as you wait for the steaks to grill.


You'll cut though problems with surgical precision today. You'll slice and dice and cut to the chase. But later you'll only use your knife to cut into the steak you'll have as a reward for getting through such a successful day.


You may find yourself on a different wavelength from everyone else today. As such, you'll dance to your own drummer. So while they're all lunching on their safe and sane salads you'll be munching on authentic Vietnamese shrimp spring rolls that you made yourself.


You'll wake up on the wrong side of the bed today, the one that makes you cranky and irritable. But don't subject that raging beast on an unsuspecting world. Start the day with a hearty pancake breakfast with sausage and coffee and things will be right again.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.