Your Daily FinanceScope for December 02, 2021

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


It's hard to stay motivated when you have no way of knowing if your hard work will ever pay off. If you look closely, you can see little signs of success all around you. Look for new shoots, not fully formed blossoms.


You have a romantic side and a practical side, and today they merge. As long as you don't break the bank doing it, you can afford to indulge your luxurious, even decadent, desires. Enjoy.


You have to face an obstacle with all the patience you can muster. Even a much-needed correction can seem painfully slow in coming. Keep your hopes up and your mood light; it will help maintain your desire to persevere.


Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. You're coming up with some pretty crazy ideas but some of them just might work. You'll never know unless you try, though, so get down to brass tacks.


There is more than one way to take care of business today, but you still need to keep the concept of right or wrong front and center. It simply means you have many right ways at your disposal. Pick and choose carefully.

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You want nothing to do with the same old, same old. If it doesn't have a certain foreign flare, you have no interest. Unfortunately, you have to put up with some of the tried and true today. Sprinkle in the novelty items where you can.


Your income is on your mind today, like most days. It's hard to feel at ease with all the stewing you have to do over money. But try hard not to let it put yet another wrinkle in yet another day. Know you can -- and will -- jump over your financial hurdles.


You feel like you're wrestling with a mythological being instead of with your budget. That's because, at the end of the day, money is merely an abstract human concept after all. Don't give it more meaning or power than it deserves.


The details may bore you, but you'll be forced to face them today. Like it or not, the big picture means nothing without them. It's not all dull, though -- they're where the devil is, or haven't you heard?


You have so much to do you'll have to remind yourself to take a break. And do remind yourself, because all work and no play makes anyone more than dull. You need all the energy and good health you can manage to face the coming days, so be sure to factor that in.


You feel as if your entire life is stuck in a chunk of amber. It may look beautiful but it sure feels old and outdated. New things cost money, though, so you'll just have to be content with what you have for the time being. Sigh.


Being of a mercurial nature has its advantages. Be sure to make the most of the ups, though, because the downs will be so deep they'll shock even you. The rollercoaster ride can be a thing of beauty as well as a moneymaking machine if you handle it just right.

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