Your Daily DogScope for May 17, 2022

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


You're not the most enthusiastic dog on the block for a change. You'll be crossing paths with a new dog, and they're glad to meet you. Expect to be bowled over.


You're usually able to think on your paws, but even you can be rushed into something today. Whether it's lunging at a ball or bolting through the door, you need to slow down and think twice.


Don't sit around hoping for action. You did that all day long at home. Once you hit the dog park, be the one to take the initiative. All the other dogs are waiting just for you.


It's time to hurry up and wait. In other words, it's just another day. But you can still try to make the most of it, and that means doing more than studying dust mites. Let yourself be up to no good.


You're not the type of dog who always has a happy-go-lucky attitude. You can have a good time out of any situation only if your human is by your side. Otherwise, that hang-dog look will have to stay. It's one of those days.

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Fetch is fine if you go for that sort of thing, but stirring things up is what gives you your true sense of purpose. And for those who prefer the dog park shaken, not stirred -- well, you have something for everyone today.


You need to sort out your place in the pack one dog at a time. And don't let your emotions get in the way of what you have to do. Remind yourself, every interaction today is about business.


Who cares if others think you're both from Mars? You and your owner are out of sync with everyone around you, but at least you're in sync with each other. Enjoy.


Your owner's new budget doesn't bother you one iota. Fancy toys can be fun, but simple games are still the best, as long as you get time to play them with your favorite human.


The strange and unmistakable pull of your ancestors is giving the leash some fierce competition. Whether it's rolling in muck or dashing into traffic, your human will be hard pressed to explain your behavior.


Humanitarian may sound a whole lot like human, but that doesn't mean you can't do your share of caring. When it comes to being charitable toward your people, you're downright civilized. Enjoy giving to them today.


Are you the only dog who thinks the alpha is counterfeit? Why other dogs trail behind them like puppies is an enigma not worth cracking. Don't waste time on this puzzle. Simply don't tag along.

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