Your Daily DogScope for December 09, 2022

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


Sometimes you get treats and others times you don't, but just what exactly qualifies? If you have no idea, then every time you beg it's simply a crap shoot. Spend some time comprehending the rules.


Are you being stubborn or detail oriented? It's all the same to your human, but a world of difference to you. But either way, if you need time to read messages, then your owner will just have to wait.


Some people love adding up the numbers ahead of time, and others are more rash. We know which one you are. If your human is more of a bean counter then count your blessings.


Now that you've got your human wrapped around your dew claw, it's a good time to think ahead. What more do you want than home-cooked dog food and three walks a day? Come up with a plan.


You're not a particularly good strategist, but you'd still be valuable in a rumble. You're always willing to act, for one. Make sure it's all for fun, then jump right in.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


You can't do too much thinking. Besides, you have nothing else on your schedule for the day. You're starting to figure things out, and you'll get there if you but focus.


Sometimes the cat goes over you with a fine-toothed comb. Someone unfamiliar with the species may wonder how you put up with it, but anyone with a cat in the doghouse knows it's heavenly. Enjoy.


You and your owner both know there's a problem, but you just can't agree on a solution. The answer to end all answers is always more walks, as far as you're concerned, but your human may bring other possibilities to the table. Take steak, for instance.


Sure, you know yoga is the key to spirit. Doggy down is not the only position in your repertoire, but your human needs to learn from a different teacher.


All the research in the world can't save you from the cat's surgical precision. You'll get boxed on the ears just when you expect it least. There's no time for the lids to droop.


Are you really trying to cover the details or is the scratching motion all part of your business? Either way, humans get nervous when the divots fly, so keep it to a minimum.


Are you seeing how things really work, or are you just projecting? If you're sure the dog walker shows up each and every day out of undying love, it's the later.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!