Your Daily Couples Horoscope for January 31, 2023

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


The stars train a spotlight on special talents that only you have and knowledge that only your partner possesses. Of course, it's all part of the bigger picture, but it wouldn't hurt to nurture your natural gifts.


You know that thing you and your partner complain about but never tackle directly? It's time to deal with it. You'll do a brilliant job, and you'll be very relieved once it's out of the way.


Understanding your partner is key to getting your message across effectively. Take some time to plan a strategy before you start your presentation. The extra care will pay off when you see the results.


Pushing you two beyond your fears is a productive way to deal with wayward impulses. Keep yourself out of trouble by choosing learning experiences over sensation.


Time changes relationships. However, sometimes time needs a helping hand in the form of effort. If you want this situation to be different, step up and change it yourself. You'll like the results.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


It's a great time for you two to reconnect with an old idea you packed away. It wasn't silly. It was simply ahead of its time. Think about ways you can make it work. You're both inspired right now.


Fixing what's wrong isn't a matter of making it look right. It's important to examine root causes before you find a solution. Otherwise that fix is just cosmetic. You want this repair to last.


A solid foundation doesn't just magically appear in a partnership. It has to be built. And it's the day-to-day stuff that gets the building done. Your smallest interactions are the bricks.


You're trying very hard not to step on your partner's toes, but you're starting to get a cramp in your foot. So think about what you need to say and the best way to say it. Then open your mouth.


Your gut is sending you a strong message about something your partner just proposed. Now what do you do? Intellectually you're on board, but something about this doesn't feel quite right yet.


You can't take everything your partner says personally, not even when it's directed at you. The truth is every person contains multitudes. Be there for them, and be there and support yourself too.


Are you trying to help your partner navigate a situation or secretly hoping that if you hold out you'll get your way? If it's the latter, think about it. What you're holding out for might not be that great.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙