Your Daily Couples Horoscope for January 26, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Details can pile up into a mountain before long, so it's annoying when your partner reminds you to deal with paperwork. But they know what they're talking about. Get to it before it becomes overwhelming.


Getting what you want can be just as disconcerting as not getting what you want. Now that your dreams are on the verge of coming true, what do you do next? Fortunately, you have each other right now.


You're all about feeling and showing the love right now. You know how much you value the people in your life, especially your honey, and you're looking out for them whenever you can.


Your inner voice is shrieking, "Get organized!" Just keep in mind that you have to start small in order to get anywhere, so don't panic. Ask your partner for a helping hand if you're not sure where to start.


You're not a kid, but you do need to get some childlike enthusiasm and energy back in your life and relationship. Why not babysit a niece or nephew or volunteer to tutor kids after school?

Feeling lost with your career? Guidance is one click away!


Take a chance and do something that's slightly out of character. You're usually so together, so why not do, say, or wear something outrageous? Throw a little spice into the relationship.


You've got a lot of things going on and now your partner is asking if you can take on even more. It's something new to you and you're tempted. Why not go for it? You need to take a chance.


You can deal with it or you can ignore it. Either way, you and your partner are still taking some kind of action. Just remember that waiting too long can take the matter out of your hands. Do you want to do that?


Thinking about this one more time might confuse the issue further. It's time to stop chasing your tail. You and your partner have weighed the pros and cons. Now you need to commit one way or another.


How tantalizing you look! Your partner thinks so too. All this sex appeal is far too exciting to waste on a night on the town. It's definitely a good moment to stay in. All you need is each other.


A little flirtation doesn't come with a penalty, especially if you keep it all in good fun. It can actually pay off if you apply some of that energy toward your partner while you're at it.


Close relations are all well and good, but occasionally you need your space too. It doesn't mean anything is about to change. It just means you have a life in addition to your life as part of a couple.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.