Your Daily Couples Horoscope for December 03, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


If you feel a little bit freaked out by the uncertainty that surrounds the human condition (and who doesn't?), grab your partner and hold them tight.


Your partner stands by you when you need it. You always knew that you'd made the right choice, but this confirms everything you'd hoped. Show your appreciation for their support.


If you see that your partner seems to have gotten the idea that they wear the pants in the relationship, remind them (firmly but gently) that it's a partnership, not an autocracy.


If somebody (say, your partner) appears to deliberately misinterpret you today, don't get heated up about it. Repeat what you said, nicely!


Before you start handing out recommendations left and right to help your partner get out of their rut, pipe down and listen up. What do they really need? Maybe it's just a hug?

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


Try to understand how you feel about your partner, not how you think you feel. Any effort made now to understand what's going on will enrich your relationship.


Okay, so you feel weird. Nobody likes to feel that way and you're no exception. Take some time to figure out how you feel and why you might feel that way. Then talk to your partner.


Is the fuse on your temper a little shorter than usual? That's no surprise. The stars are pumping up the volume on your emotions. Stop fighting the feelings in your heart. Tell your partner what's bothering you.


Today, you could do some of that painful but interesting work of redefining your values. Which values do you need to tackle? Be sure to ask your partner for their input about what to change and how.


Whatever the endeavor, you two can accomplish anything you undertake and complete it with flying colors! It sure feels good to be so good together, doesn't it?


Are you unconsciously expecting your partner to be responsible for your feelings? That's a mighty big weight to carry. Placing too many expectations on someone inevitably leads to disappointment.


You're kind of like a team leader when it comes to you and your partner today. Is it because you have such an excellent sense of direction? such a keen sense of smell? such sharp hearing?

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.