Your Daily CatScope for May 24, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


The humans in your life are all worked up over something that doesn't seem like a big deal to you, but most likely, you pick up on their weird energy and start to feel a little freaked out yourself!


You feel no worries at all today and are content to simply sit somewhere up high and watch the world go by. Your great energy is perfect for snuggling or just relaxing on your own.


You'd rather not expend any more energy than you absolutely must right now, so chill out under the bed or somewhere else that doesn't require much thought on your part. You should come back tomorrow with energy to spare!


Your positive emotions are almost overwhelming right now, so see if you can talk your human family into a snuggle-fest or at least a game of chase-the-tail. You just want to share it with everyone!


Try something new today -- you can feel a surge of good energy building up and you want to be ready for it when it comes. It may be a good time for you to teach that new kitten a few tricks.

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You are unusually social today. That could mean that you're willing to come out from under the couch or that you're running around the neighborhood trying to make lots of new friends.


Cats, as a rule, aren't all that into big changes -- and you are no exception! If your human pals try to get you to sign off on something new, just turn your tail and scamper on out of there for a bit!


Your big brain is helping you figure stuff out today, so much so that you need to try to explain things to a fellow feline -- or, barring that, some other, lesser critter. You should be able to do it with style.


Your mood is the best guide to your day -- if you're down, hide out under the couch, but if you're up, run around outside (or as near as you can get)! It's a good day to be true to your nature.


Some cats hate change, but you can deal with it as long as you're prepared for it. Open your mind to whatever the humans are up to right now and you should be in a good position when it comes down.


You're feeling quite responsible today, so much so that you might find new ways to help the humans with their chores. At least you think you're helping -- sometimes it's really hard to know what they want!


It's a really good time for you to try something new -- you know you are ready for it. Maybe a part of the house that was always scary now seems cool, or maybe you're okay with the new person finally!

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