Your Daily CatScope for December 03, 2021

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You're finding that you can make amazing progress today -- no matter what kind of madness you're up to! It's a really good time for you to get your feline friends ready for the next big thing!


You're having a really hard time keeping up with your human friends today -- they always seem to be one step ahead of you! That doesn't mean the tables have turned, just that you need a nap.


You're feeling pretty hopeful about something today -- and it may be time for the humans to take notice and change things up! It's the perfect time to make your case for outdoor privileges, for instance.


You may find that you're all riled up with your fur sticking straight out before you brain realizes what's going on -- so be prepared for some embarrassing moments! The humans are amused, at least.


You're not set in your ways, unlike many other cats, so when you meet new people and other critters -- like you are sure to today -- you're generally open to seeing things from their point of view.

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You're not really a born fighter, but you do scrap it up from time to time -- like today! Anyone who gets in your way is fair game -- even the humans -- so you may want to give fair warning with a hiss.


Life might be incredibly sweet or deeply sour today -- but if you don't like it, you have only yourself to blame! Try a little change and maybe the humans will see their way clear to helping out.


You're in a helpful mood -- and the humans had better watch out! You don't take no for an answer, and the odds are good that you end up causing a bit more havoc than usual through no fault of your own.


You're a lover today -- you need to be around humans or other critters as much as possible! It's a good time for you to pursue some new person until they can't resit your charms any further.


You can do almost anything today -- as long as you stick with it! It's tempting to give up and go take a nap, but if you keep pestering that human, eventually they'll break and give you what you want.


Everything is new and amazing to you -- like you're a baby kitten all over again! It might get old eventually, but for now, you should just enjoy the good energy and see what comes next!


You are so confusing to other people today that you may as well try to make some mischief! The odds are that none of the humans figure it out until it's far too late, so have fun!

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.