The Amish Cook: The Yoders cut out for cookies

Only last week I remarked to Daniel how blessed I am to not have been sick much these last years since we were blessed with more children through foster care and adoption.

You guessed it. Today I am on the tally of sick folks.

How is a mom supposed to be sick? I mean, who will do the zillion little things that go unnoticed till Mom doesn't do it? Then there’s school. First graders, especially require tons of drills. Austin loves learning and does very well with school work, but for his sake and long term perspective, it requires lots of drills.

Before Daniel stepped out the door to go work on our cabin (more on that good news later), he informed Julia that she will have to take care of Mom just as Mom does for her when she’s sick. She took it to heart. As I tutored first grade from the recliner, Julia wiped up spills, settled squabbles and balanced her school work all in one. I told her that I’m seeing the makings of an outstanding mother, teacher, nurse or worker at an orphanage.

An hour before lunchtime my baby sister, now 15, whom I rocked countless times as an infant, popped in. When she discovered I was sick, her capable hands set to work as she chipped in and helped by sweeping the floor, picking up toys and washing dishes.

By the time the children had their lunch and I had rocked them and tucked them to bed, I was exhausted. Nurse Julia brought me her sleeping bag in an attempt to cut the edge from my chills. You know how it goes, you’re nestled down when baby wakes and needs mom. Thinking of the power and victory in praise, I thanked God for the fever. I told Him that I really want to draw closer to Him through times like this.

I am much aware that my symptoms match many COVID characteristics. No, I didn't test, but we are respectful in not going to places where we could pass it on to others. The children have been much concerned about our Christmas plans being in jeopardy. We prayed about it, so whether or not it'll work out to go, I don't know. I just do know that with God in charge, it'll all be good in the end.

Once more Julia did amazing keeping things afloat while I rested. After I joined the children I sat on the recliner (something that hardly ever happens to me at any time of the day). Hosanna nestled up beside me on one side with Elijah on the other. Joshua wanted to be held, so he was added onto the growing pile of people. Julia wanted to know what she could do for me. I was almost at a loss of knowing what to say with someone taking care of me. “You could read some verses from the Bible to me,” I told her.

Her face lit up. “Where do you want me to read?”

“Maybe Psalms?”

Soon her sweet voice was reading “… but his delight is in the law of the Lord, in His law doth he meditate day and night … and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper …”

As she paused for Jesse’s interruption, I told her, “Those are just the verses I needed to hear!”

“I had prayed that God would show me what you need,” she responded.

When she was done reading I suggested that she could help the children make candy.

She jumped at the chance. In moments she was at the kitchen table with Hosanna at her heels. Together they mixed up our all-time favorite healthy chocolate, then added goodies of her choice. This time she used sunflower seeds, raisins, shredded coconut, puffed millet and sugar-free chocolate chips.

After she had it tasting just like she wanted it, she scooped her mixture out into small muffin tins to be chilled.

And now, thanks to Tylenol, I’ve even been able to get in touch with you! You should be here to see the two eager little faces that just came into the office where I’m writing. Returning from watching Daniel roof the cabin, they were all smiles as Jesse bragged, “Ya, we put the roof on the cabin and it’s red!” (His favorite color.)

I laughed, not in a mean way; it was just hilarious to think of 4-year-old Jesse with all his boyish gusto, bragging that he put the siding on the cabin.

Now as I think of getting supper cooked and fighting a fever, the motivation level is close to zero.

Thanks to that golden word “mother". Yes, though I have a home of my own, I dearly love and need my mother, and tonight she is bringing a pot of taco soup. Mmm … what’s better than soup on a cool evening or when not feeling up to par?

Okay, let's wrap up with one more Christmas recipe which my mom would sometimes help us make over Christmas time.

Grandma's Christmas cut-out cookies

1 teaspoon vanilla

4 cups flour

Combine in order given. Chill dough at least 8 hours. Roll out to ¼ inch thick. Bake at 325 until cookie is set (8 - 10 minutes). Don't over-bake. Cool and frost and enjoy! Yield: 5 dozen

Whip everything together, spread on cookies. For extra flavor try replacing the milk with prepared coffee.

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This article originally appeared on Mansfield News Journal: The Amish Cook: Children help when Mom is sick and a cookie recipe