America's Next Top Model host Jay Manuel shares his top quarantine products

Jay Manuel from America's next top model sat down with us to talk about his book, and also his favorite must-have quarantine products that he can't live without

Video Transcript

NURYS CASTILLO: What's up, everybody? And welcome to New in the Q, where your favorite celebrities tell you what they've been obsessed with during quarantine. Today I have none other than Jay Manuel, who you may know as one of the judges of America's Next Top Model. Hi, Jay!

JAY MANUEL: Hey, how are you? This is so much fun because everybody has been so obsessed with different items during quarantine because we're just stuck at home.

NURYS CASTILLO: Yeah, I know I've bought a bunch of quirky stuff during your quarantine, but I'm ready for you to share your stuff.

JAY MANUEL: OK so the first one, it's the P-Touch Cube. So this thing is so awesome. You plug it in here, but it works with an app. I just started making labels for everything. I even started labeling things for my dogs. I swear my dogs were looking at me like I was crazy. IPhone, boop, label comes out, peel, beautiful thermal label.

NURYS CASTILLO: The moment you said a label maker, I was like, I need this in my life.

JAY MANUEL: I mean, it's so easy.

So I know this is going sound corny, and I got it first because it was a look pretty. So it's the [INAUDIBLE] Juicer. It's not a big electrical device. So you put your glass underneath here, so it just literally sits here. And I guess it's just the physics of this. Because you're wringing the orange or whatever here. It runs through the grooves and comes off of the point. It's a little sticky here because (LAUGHING) I was making something with limes. Then it just drips perfectly into the vessel that you have underneath.

OK, so this is a little crazy, but I saw the massagers out there. So it's literally, ugh. So look, it's, like, hardcore. Literally when, you plug it in and just hold it here, I mean, it works your shoulders, your upper back, like, you can reach all the way back. But literally, I pulled it out on a Zoom chat, and everyone was like, what is that? So everyone started buying them.

The other thing-- I'm really, really skeptical when it comes to beauty serums, but I wanted to get this 100% vitamin C concentrate. I'm going to hold it really close here. When I tell you, you just put it on at night after you wash your face and do your stuff, before your lotion. I couldn't believe how my complexion evened out. And I never, like, endorse skin products and all that stuff. But let me tell you, this is hardcore. And it's Beauty RX, which is the brand. I'm using, like, every night going forward because I'm turning 48 around the corner--


JAY MANUEL: --so I'm not going there.

NURYS CASTILLO: You do not look 48. You look my age. Stop it. You are I are like twins.

JAY MANUEL: Oh my god.

You know, I announced my first novel at the beginning of the year and it was just such a big moment for me because I worked on this for years.

NURYS CASTILLO: Tell us a little bit about the book so people know exactly what they're getting into when they buy it.

JAY MANUEL: So it's a really, really, really fun piece of satire. It's meant to make people laugh, laugh out loud, cringe, you'll talk to the book at times. And it's very, very entertaining. It's extremely fast-paced, it's meant to, kind of, mirror the world behind the scenes of reality TV. So it's where fashion and entertainment collide.

I really wanted to look at how the entertainment industry deals with intersectionality, Black women's identity And I really wanted there to be a very 360 portrait of a powerful, amazing, Black woman and what she really had to deal with in the industry and what contributes to how she responds to things.

NURYS CASTILLO: Jay, thank you so much for being here and showing us all your quarantine picks, but most importantly, telling everybody about your book that is out now. Thank you so much.

JAY MANUEL: Thank you! You were so fun to chat with. I felt like I was just, like, chatting with my friend on FaceTime.