75 Pictures That Are Extremely Confusing, Weird, Or Both

1. This trippy hallway:

2. These hovering chairs:

3. This confusing cat:

4. These never-ending shelves:

5. This towed truck:

6. This man-dog:

7. This cat-dog:

8. This missing wheel:

9. These small horses:

10. This perfectly-blended plate:

11. And this perfectly-blended painting:

12. This nonexistent chair leg:

13. This disappearing hoodie:

14. This wild perspective:

15. This ~lively~ blanket:

16. This truck canopy:

17. This piggyback ride:

18. These slippery stairs:

19. This sky ocean:

20. This cat's reflection:

21. This mirror switch:

22. This invisible vehicle:

23. This ~cool~ and good boi:

24. This 🦶 recipe:

25. This huge nightmare:

26. This very impressive hallway:

27. These guys:

28. This "stolen" tire:

29. This granite sandwich:

30. This two-in-one pic:

31. And this one:

32. This cow head:

33. These creepy glasses:

34. This forest puddle:

35. This rockin' cat 🤘:

36. This tilted house:

37. This huge load:

38. This magical trashcan:

39. This hole-y cat:

40. This floor??? Or table???:

41. These bald seats:

42. This 3D quilt:

43. This pirate clock:

44. These gorg legs:

45. This sad graduate:

46. This incredible car:

47. This tasty finger:

48. This assembly-required cat:

49. This twisted rail:

50. This plastic feline:

51. This vertical-looking road:

52. These looooong legs:

53. This super reflective water:

54. This floating plank:

55. This Tinder profile pic:

56. This guy (who may or may not be standing in water):

57. This plate/bedsheet:

58. This ocean aquarium:

59. This ripped boi:

60. This nude biker:

61. This tiny shower:

62. This literal sleeping bag:

63. These boots:

64. This majestic hole:

65. This ceiling fan painting:

66. This Shar Pei blanket:

67. This "underwater" hallway:

68. This camouflaged building:

69. This wall???:

70. This beach bag:

71. This lighting glitch:

72. These shaky coffee stirrers:

73. This cat's ~shadow~:

74. This 2D building:

75. And finally, this accidental movie scene:

H/T: r/confusing_perspective.