5 yuzu recipes that make the most of the tangy citrus fruit

5 yuzu recipes that make the most of the tangy citrus fruit. Yuzu is an East Asian citrus fruit commonly described as a fusion between lemons and oranges. If you're looking for ways to put the tangy citrus to use, here are five delicious yuzu recipes that pack a punch. 1. Yuzu pound cake Yuzu may be sour, but that doesn’t mean it can’t work well with desserts. 2. Yuzu pie bars Enjoy all the best that pie has to offer in the form of a dessert bar you can grab and go. 3. Yuzu-glazed salmon Yuzu serves as the perfect complement to savory dishes like this salmon recipe. 4. Spicy yuzu margarita Put a whole new twist on your traditional margarita with this yuzu variety. 5. Yuzu-glazed chicken wings This mouthwatering recipe takes chicken wings to a whole new level

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