23 Absolutely Horrid Parents Who Have Officially Gone Off The Deep End

Note: The following post contains examples of child abuse and endangerment.

1. This parent who has proudly smoked during every single one of her pregnancies:

2. This parent who's sneaking urine into her daughter's (and the daughter's friends') popsicles:

3. This parent who doesn't give her 3-year-old a minute of rest:

4. This parent who possibly had the most insensitive response to a mother's concerns that I've ever seen:

5. This parent who harassed their child because of their sexuality:

6. This parent who's turning to Facebook instead of the ER:

7. This parent who advised another parent to use coconut oil for PINWORMS:

8. This parent who's living in a web of lies:

9. This parent who maybe should have thought about their child's education before they decided to be an anti-vaxxer:

10. This parent who's glamorizing a very dangerous home birth:

11. This parent who seems to think it's funny that their child is being exposed to them having sex:

12. This parent who's unfortunately a school teacher:

13. This parent who sent these seething texts because there weren't any mashed potatoes in the fridge:

14. This parent who freaked out at their ADULT daughter for wearing a tank top:

15. This parent who should be grateful they even got a text:

16.This parent who installed a camera in their kitchen to police their child's eating:

Screen shot of a text exchange

17. This parent who's angry at their child for not wanting to come to their Covid-positive house:

18. This parent who's trying to blame their child's poor mental health on the Covid vaccine:

19. This parent who's a little too open about their child favoritism:

20. This parent who cares way too much about gender norms:

21. This parent who treats their children like employees:

22. This parent who handed their contagious daughter over to her aunt so they could go on vacation:

23. And finally, this parent who would abandon their child for making a "mistake":