Dentist’s racy Easter display sparks conflict among neighbors: ‘It’s disgusting’

New Jersey dentist Wayne Gangi was never going to let 2019’s Easter disaster impact his holiday decorating this year.

In fact, Gangi has pretty much doubled the number of mannequins on his office’s front lawn.

The story goes back to 2001 when Gangi thought it would be a funny idea to put scantily-clad mannequins out in the lawn surrounding his dentist’s office for Halloween. Since then, Gangi has been going over-the-top with his decorations for every major holiday and a lot of press has covered his interesting choice of decor — making him somewhat of a local celebrity.

But controversy struck last year when a local news outlet caught a neighbor marching over to Gangi’s lawn and dismantling the five mannequins. The mannequins were wearing lingerie, fishnet stockings, bunny ears and were holding Easter baskets.

“It’s disgusting. I live across the street,” Desiree Mozek said as she cut down the display.

Gangi was furious and said Mozek’s behavior cost him $500 to $1,000 in damages.

Now, Gangi is taking revenge. Gangi insists that his decorations are not an attack on Easter or religion, but a product of his free speech right. He just thinks they’re funny.

Fueled by positive feedback from other community members who also thought the display was silly, Gangi’s 2020 Easter display now includes nine mannequins in lingerie, giant golden eggs and a “danger” tape crisscrossed around the lawn with a “no trespassing” sign.

“Because I was getting such positive feedback from so many people who look forward to seeing something goofy and stupid, it was a reinforcement to do it again,” Gangi told the New York Post.

The mannequins this year also have masks on to “raise social awareness” amid the current pandemic, according to Gangi.

“Women are my strongest supporters,” Gangi said. “You’re always going to get a percentage of haters, but it’s at most 5 percent.”

There’s even a Facebook group titled “Dr. Gangi Supporters” with 435 members that was created around the time of last year’s Easter debacle.

“Looks great Doc. It’s a welcome bit of relief from all this doom ‘n’ gloom out here,” said one group member.

“You see something stupid on the lawn. It’s meant to make you laugh and forget your troubles. That’s all it was meant ever to do,” Gangi said.

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