These 19 Men Who Felt Entitled To A Woman Make Me Want To Scream "She Doesn't Owe You Anything" Off Every Rooftop In Existence

1.This guy who expected a date after cleaning off a woman’s table:

Screenshot of a text conversation

2.This guy who expected matches on a dating app after bragging about helping old people and — something every woman looks for in a man — asking "barista[s] how their weekend was":

A dating profile

3.This firefighter who left this note in a woman's car door handle at the grocery store, insulted her clothes, and STILL expected a date because he’s a firefighter:

Note from a firefighter telling a woman to text him

4.This guy who expected sex because he bought a woman flowers and dinner:

"Still can't believe I spent $150 on dinner and didn't...yea."

5.This guys who expected a woman to be interested in him because he completed a very made-up checklist about what women want:

"don't understand why a girl I like isn't into me"

6.This guy who thought calling a woman "a pretty trophy" was a good thing and that it would definitely lead to a positive response:

Screenshot of a text conversation

7.This guy who expected sex because he allegedly has a private jet and a $300 million crypto company:

"Oh no another hustler for dinner dates"

8.The guy who expected multiple dates for buying a woman's chair off of Facebook Marketplace:

"just felt that it was unfair that you judged me so quickly."

9.This guy who expected a relationship because he knew her "for years" and "yearned" for her:

Screenshot of a text conversation

10.This guy who thought he had "earned" a woman for opening the door for her every day:

"You can only push an angel so far until the demon comes out to play..."

11.This guy who expected a second date because he's not married, a felon, or "does things to women on first dates without their permission":

"I only matched with you cuz of the ass pic in the thong and thought for sure I'd get laid"

12.This guy who expected "goodbye sex" because he got a haircut and bought steak:

"Besides, I got a haircut groomed myself in anticipation of cooking dinner for ya...might as well take a look"

13.This guy who expected that handing out tissues and offering his condolences would get him a date:

"If you mean trying to date them, don't."

14.This anti-masker who expected a date after being catfished by someone else with this woman's pictures:

Screenshot of a text conversation

15.This guy who expected a date after approaching a complete stranger and offering her food and coffee:

"fuck me for being a decent human being I guess haha."

16.This "doctor" who expected a date from this woman because he supposedly had a dream about her:

"Do you send this to every girl? Lol"
Screenshot of a text conversation

17.This for-sure-not-racist-and-sexist guy who thought he deserved women because he knows about real estate and "has hobbies":

"Fuck the system we've had enough."

18.This guy who expected a date with a complete stranger at the gym after possibly tripping her (who can be sure who put those weights there?):

Man's post about trying to ask a woman out at the gym but she declined

19.And finally, this guy who thought he would get dates as long as he didn't send any dick pics:

"just had to remind me how awful i am"

H/T: r/niceguys and r/justneckbeardthings