13 People Who Had A Really, Really Treacherous Week

Fails are legit my favorite part of the internet. They're just mesmerizing and hilarious and perfect. Here are some of the best from this week.

Be sure to follow these Twitter users for an A+ timeline.

1.This dinner fail:

2.This "late" fail???

A professor tells a student they were assessed a late penalty on an assignment because they submitted it 15 minutes before the due time, and they need to submit it an hour before

3.This pickup line:

4.This miscommunication:

5.This whole moment:

6.This ad:

7.This attempt:

8.This lie:

9.This catastrophe:

10.This text fail:

11.Ben Affleck had a seemingly miserable time at the Grammys:

12.This situation:

Someone says on social media that they remember how it felt to grow literal mushrooms in their ears because they wore their AirPods all day every day

13.And lastly, this awkward moment:

A TikTok caption says "When we are ringing up a bride's dress and her sister says, 'I'm so glad I said no when he proposed to me first"

You can check out some more hilarious fails posts here!