10 Things That Make So Much More Sense About My Life After Being Diagnosed With ADHD As An Adult

Hey, world! My name is Kelly. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), and I'd like to talk about it.


Before we get into it, let me just preface that my own experience with ADHD is in no way meant to be representative of every single person's! I'm also not a professional medical expert, and this article is not meant to diagnose anyone. Cool? Cool!

art of everyone giving woman thumbs up

I also have OCD and generalized anxiety disorder, and my symptoms sometimes overlap.

Bro Vector / Getty Images/ iStockphoto

I was diagnosed with ADHD a little over a year ago, when I was 23 years old. When the pandemic hit, I noticed significant changes in my mood and found it increasingly more difficult to focus on important tasks. I initially just attributed it to all the changes the pandemic had brought, but over time, I realized there was more going on.

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Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

My diagnosis was honestly life-changing in many ways. First, because it meant that I was able to get the help I needed. But it also just explained SO much.

shocked Pikachu meme

So, without further ado, here are 10 things that make much more sense about my life after being diagnosed with ADHD:

1.First things first, mood swings!

meme of Bart Simpson yelling "I am so great" alongside him looking sad in bed

2.School was pretty difficult, actually.

I think part of the reason I slipped under the radar for so many years was because I didn't have the

3.When I say my mind is always wandering, I mean my mind is always wandering.

illustration of woman daydreaming about vacation

4.Food is hard!!!


I'll literally just forgetten to eat sometimes. Or, if making food — or even just deciding what I want to eat — seems like too much work, I may just give up entirely and grab some string cheese or something for dinner. I actually do enjoy cooking and have definitely gotten better about it, but it's often still a daunting task. And I always, always look up the menu of the restaurant before I get there.

5.One word: hyperfixations!

meme of Zig from "Degrassi" banging cymbals at Tori labeled "my friends" and "my latest media obsession"

6.Motivation: Where the heck is it?!

SpongeBob: "nah I don't really feel like it"

7.Impulsiveness affects a lot — especially relationships.


Again, I can't speak for everyone, but I definitely feel like my ADHD affects my dating life. I've been in a couple of serious relationships, along with my fair share of casual things, and I've found that I have a tendency to either a) hyperfocus on the new relationship, or b) get bored quickly. It's easy to pursue something new and exciting in the moment, but sticking it out for the long term is harder.

8.Sensory. Freaking. OVERLOAD.

The CW

It's not uncommon for people with ADHD to struggle with sensory issues. I'm personally fine with putting up with crowds and loud noises for a certain amount of time when it comes to things like movie theaters, concerts, etc. But after a certain amount of time, I need to go home and decompress.

9.I can hear you just fine — I just don't understand what you said.

illustration of doctors surrounding ear

10.And finally, some positives: creativity, passion, and a unique outlook on life.


Now, I'm stuck with ADHD whether I like it or not. Would I choose to deal with the above issues if I didn't have to? Of course not. But I don't consider it to be all bad. For starters, people with ADHD are often very creative. Hyperfocus allows me to really immerse myself in projects, like writing several pages of my novel in one sitting. I also find I get more excited and passionate about little things, like new seasons of a TV show or the cute keychain I bought on Etsy, than a lot of people do. At the end of the day, this is how my brain works, and I make the best of it!

Now it's your turn! If you were diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, tell us about your experiences in the comments below.