You've Been Making Iced Coffee All Wrong

From Delish

Just when we thought we knew the best way to make iced coffee and cold brew, illy totally took us to school. After receiving a new recipe in the mail from the coffee masters-and scratching our heads at the idea of putting seltzer in our coffee!-we decided to give their crazy concept a whirl. Introducing the Espressoda, a twist on the iced Americano that pours fresh espresso over soda water. But before you say "ack!" and find another iced coffee recipe to try, you have to take this for a spin. It'll totally change your iced coffee game for good.

The resulting drink looks like a Coke on ice, but it tastes like the most refreshing pick-me-up. The bubbly water brings out every element of espresso, from the nutty and earthy notes to the bittersweet finish. Yet it's still lighter and fresher than your average iced coffee or cold brew, making it especially perfect for summer.

Here's the recipe, courtesy of illy:

  • 8 ounces club soda

  • 1 ounce espresso

  • 1 ounce vanilla syrup

Fill a glass with ice and add club soda, leaving room for espresso. Add vanilla syrup and stir. Prepare espresso and pour over soda. Chill if desired.

Now watch us whip one up and give it a taste:

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