YouTube Goes the MTV Route With Its Search for the Next Vlogger

Following its predicted path as the MTV of the Internet, YouTube has started something called The Next Vlogger initiative, which sounds a lot like MTV's Wanna Be a VJ contests.

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To build up its nascent original content strategy, just like MTV, YouTube will hand-pick the future stars of its channel from the masses. "The Next Vlogger initiative is part of YouTube Next Creator — where, as the name implies, the site tries to find and mentor future YouTube stars," explains TechCrunch's Anthony Ha. YouTube also thinks these Vloggers, like the Jesse Camps of MTV's next-VJ days, will bring fame for both themselves and the channel, creative program manager Austin Lau told Ha. While that offer might sound tasty to future wanna-be Vloggers, beware the pitfalls of early video-hosting fame. Camp, who won the first MTV VJ competition has fallen since his MTV days. Though he told NBC Nightside that he's "mainly been living in LA and doing a lot of small, little acting things here and there," a Gawker reader saw him working at a pet store as recently as March 2007. But, hey, good luck to YouTube and its future army of 21st Century Vloggers.