Yes, There Was Just An Earthquake In The Northeast

Yes, There Was Just An Earthquake In The Northeast

You can imagine my alarm, lying on my sofa, working VERY HARD, when suddenly my Brooklyn apartment began trembling.

Aerial view of downtown Manhattan skyline at sunset with prominent skyscrapers
Angela Weiss / AFP via Getty Images

Suddenly, my Slack was aflame: Did we, in NYC, have an EARTHQUAKE?

Text message from Natasha Jokic asking if an earthquake just occurred in NYC

I am just kidding: No one replied to me.


But no, USGS, a service I have never heard of, confirmed a 4.8 earthquake in New York and New Jersey. My MIL confirmed that she felt it in Connecticut. Connecticut! Further reports from my group chats suggest Philly and Boston.

Twitter: @LastQuake

Naturally, Twitter (sorry, X) began flooding with people asking whether they had actually just experienced an earthquake, or if it was just, say, construction:

Twitter: @ExVilln

Twitter: @ElieNYC

Twitter: @_helluvalife

Twitter: @laptop_lasane

Twitter: @EmpireStateBldg

Twitter: @StevieKnicks21

Twitter: @Bronxbanlieue

Twitter: @laylology

Twitter: @mahaaaay

Twitter: @superkeara

We'll keep you posted with updates.