Yahoo's 'Dirty Old Man' Shareholders Remind Marissa Mayer She's a Woman

In case you forgot that Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has ovaries and is under the age of 40, a couple shareholders reminded us at today's annual shareholder meeting. "I have 2000 Yahoo! shares, I'm Greek, I'm a dirty old man and you look attractive," said one "scummy" shareholder during Mayer's first-ever meeting of this kind since she took over the company almost a year ago. Dude, not even the President of the United States can get away with that kind of thing. And, no, Mayer didn't "deserve" the comment by goading the "dirty old man" with some low-cut top or skimpy outfit. She was wearing that totally professional dress pictured at right. But, of course, you weren't even wondering that, were you? 

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Mayer handled the unsolicited comment like someone who is used to this kind of thing — possibly as a result of working in a notoriously male dominated field — and ignored the dirty old man, who wasn't the only one at the meeting to ask gender-biased questions with no point. Another shareholder asked who she roots for in football, to meet some sort of manliness quotient it takes to run a company, apparently. Again, the Wisconsin native handled it well, saying she's a Packers fan first and a 49ers fan second. 

RELATED: Carol Bartz Tells Marissa Mayer Not to Get Her Hopes Up

Now that Mayer has proven — like any good woman in power — that she looks like a woman but acts like a man, can we let her run her tech company already?