Womack Democratic nominee for 98th District

GREENUP Tammie Womack won her fight to be the Democratic nominee for State Representative 98th District. She will face Republican Aaron Thompson this fall; the winner will replace the retiring Dr. Danny Bentley.

With all precincts (all of Greenup and a portion of Boyd) reporting, the votes were: Tammie Womack 808, Joe Virgin 766, James Reneau 179 and Shawn Assar 158.

Womack said it’s an odd feeling to have won the race.

“I’m not shocked but it’s almost surreal because I’ve been out here for six months going at it so hard,” she said, noting the race was pleasant and civilized.

“I’ve been so lucky,” she said of the other candidates. “They’re all really good people.”

She said the campaign got her “back to my Westwood roots.”

“So many people just came forward and asked what they can do,” she said. “It wasn’t a struggle to get support.”

She also said support in Greenup was “wonderful.”

“It’s been interesting to have such a large area to cover,” she said, noting the campaign was good preparation for holding office.

In previous conversations with The Daily Independent, Womack listed economic progress, infrastructure, abortion rights and drug addiction as issues she would address.

Education is another key issue in Womack’s opinion, and she said she’d like to be in touch with educators in the 98th District.

“I’d love for them to reach out to me and be able to sit down and talk to the school teachers about the issues they encounter,” Womack said. “I advocate for 100% forgiveness of student loans of teachers. Many school teachers have a side hustle and we’re going to stop that side hustle. These teachers are getting very tired.”

Womack said she plans to take a common-sense approach if elected. “I’m going to continue to be open hearted and I’m going to work so hard to make these extraordinary people who believed in me know I can do it and I will make them proud. I want them to know they cast their ballot in the right direction.”