White House: Palestinian civilians caught in Gaza war are 'in hell'; Israel not committing genocide

Speaking to the press on Monday, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Palestinian civilians who are caught up in the war between Israel and Hamas are "in hell." Sullivan also said that while the White House believes that Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians, "We do not believe what is happening in Gaza is a genocide."

Video Transcript

The Palestinian civilians caught in the middle of this war are in hell.

The death and trauma they've endured are unimaginable, their pain and suffering are immense.

No civilian should have to go through that.

This is on the President's mind every day three.

Israel has an unusual even unprecedented burden in fighting this war because Hamas uses hospitals and schools and other civilian facilities for military purposes and has built a vast network of military tunnels under civilian areas that puts innocent civilians in the crossfire.

It does not lessen Israel's responsibility to do all it can to protect innocent civilians.

Four, we believe Israel can and must do more to ensure the protection and well being of innocent civilians.

We do not believe what is happening in Gaza is a genocide.

We have been firmly on record rejecting that proposition.