Watch: Chinese dad kneels in public for being unable to buy daughter an iPhone


A video of a Chinese man kneeling on the ground, purportedly blaming himself for being unable to buy his daughter an iPhone, has sparked discussions on Chinese social media.

Key points:

  • A passerby filmed the shocking moment while driving through a street in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, on May 4.

  • The video shows a girl pulling at an older man's clothes while yelling at him to get up from the ground.

  • Weibo users denounced the girl for her apparent materialism, as well as her behavior toward her alleged father.

The details:

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  • According to the witness — who reportedly stayed on the scene for five minutes — the girl wanted an iPhone 15, but her father had no money to buy one for her.

  • The father reportedly fell to his knees in self-reproach, blaming himself for his financial incapability.

  • Embarrassed by her father’s actions, the girl then yelled “stand up.” In that moment, the witness said they “felt like going up there and hitting her."

  • What happened before the video is unknown. Personal items, presumably belonging to the supposed father-and-daughter, can be seen scattered across the sidewalk.

  • The father eventually stood up and sat down but reportedly knelt back down and blamed himself again.


  • Weibo users criticized the girl for her perceived materialism. “Most children nowadays grow up without worrying about food or clothing and have no concept of the value of money,” one commented.

  • Some appreciated her father's actions, with one writing “This father was simply brave enough to express his true feelings.”

  • Meanwhile, others blamed the father for his spoiling his daughter. “What's there to sympathize with this man? He brought it upon himself, spoiled his child and will suffer more when he gets older,” one noted.


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