Meet IndyStar Student of the Week: Bailee Latimer

Congratulations to Bailee Latimer, a Ben Davis High School freshman, who won this week's IndyStar Student of the Week contest. Bailee won with about 88% of the more than 10,000 or so votes cast.Here's what Bailee's nominator had to say about her:

Bailee Latimer, a freshman at Ben Davis High School. Bailee is a straight A student who leads by example in the classroom, boasting a 3.9 GPA. She exemplifies what we as teachers want in our students. Bailee is a member of the varsity volleyball team and softball team. She spends many of her lunch periods working in our school bookstore. She's also regularly been tasked with welcoming new students to our building and representing our STEM academy with current eighth grade families. Bailee is an active member of the Ninth Grade Center’s Student Leadership Team and consistently makes a positive impact on those around her.

Bailee Latimer, a freshman at Ben Davis High School
Bailee Latimer, a freshman at Ben Davis High School

Each week the Student of the Week contest aims to introduce readers to an accomplished crop of high school students. While readers can vote for their favorite, the idea of the contest is to recognize all of the nominees, not just the one who emerges as the winner on Friday.Each week area schools are invited to nominate one student for the contest. Readers can vote more than once throughout the week and on Friday we announce the winner.This week will be the last contest before we take a three-week recess for spring break. Here are the other amazing students who were nominated this past week:

IndyStar Student of the Week nominees

Gianna Conover, a senior at Guerin Catholic High School. Gianna is a National Honor Society member with an outstanding GPA of 3.969, highlighting her exceptional academic achievements. She'll attend Purdue University's Aerospace Engineering Program this fall, showcasing her commitment to higher education. Beyond academics, Gianna actively contributes to extracurricular activities, demonstrating versatility and leadership. As a member of Bells of Our Lady Handbell Choir and Guerin Catholic Choir, she illustrates her musical ability. This academic year, as the founding CEO, she led the Guerin Catholic Robotics Team to the semifinals, displaying adept management skills. Gianna also initiated the creation of a new pathway to the Guerin Catholic High School Grotto to address accessibility concerns due to the building expansion. Dedicated to community service, she volunteers her time at the Hamilton County Humane Society. Gianna Conover stands out for her multifaceted contributions, leadership, and commitment to Christian values at Guerin Catholic High School.

Demarco Matthews, a junior at Arsenal Tech High School. Demarco is thoughtful, patient, polite, and helpful. He persistently makes his best effort. He has attended 97 percent of his classes so far this school year. His attendance is better this year as compared to last, and last year his attendance was better than the year before, too.

Marina Rautenkranz, a senior at Martinsville High School. Marina has excelled in many activities during her career at M.H.S. She currently maintains a 4.146 G.P.A. (on a 4.0 scale) and will graduate with Academic Honors and several A.P. and Dual Credit classes under her belt. Marina is a member of our State Finalist Jazz Choir and has been in choir all four years. She plays piano for our jazz band, and was in our great musical "Beauty and the Beast" last fall. Marina currently serves in an internship for music therapy at I.U. Health in Bloomington, where her singing talents provide emotional support for patients. Marina led the Lady Artesians basketball team this year, was our school's "Athlete of the Month" for January, AND was a four-year cheerleader at M.H.S.! Marina is Vice-President of Student Council, peer tutors as part of National Honor Society, and serves as an Artesian Ambassador. She plans to attend Indiana University and major in Clinical Psychology with ambitions of being a musical therapist in the future.

Marina Rautenkranz, a senior at Martinsville High School
Marina Rautenkranz, a senior at Martinsville High School

Jania Thomas, a senior at BELIEVE Circle City High School. Driven and compassionate, Jania was born and raised in Indianapolis. Her future goals are to double major in anthropology and journalism, with a minor in mathematics, to obtain a holistic education. Currently, she holds a number of leadership opportunities, including Student Council President, Senior Committee President, and National Honor Society (NHS) Secretary. Jania has received the National African American Recognition from College Board and founded the Poetry Club at BELIEVE. She enjoys playing volleyball and tennis, tutors her peers in AP Biology as well as her cousins, and is actively engaged in internships at BELIEVE and at the PATH school. With her strong leadership skills, dedication to service, and ambitious goals for the future, she is poised to make a significant impact in her chosen fields and community.

Jania Thomas, a senior at Believe Circle City High School
Jania Thomas, a senior at Believe Circle City High School

This article originally appeared on Indianapolis Star: Meet IndyStar Student of the Week: Bailee Latimer