Volunteers to clean historic headstones at Granville's Old Colony Burying Ground on June 1

Volunteers are needed to help preserve a beautiful outdoor museum of Granville history.

Volunteers will clean and straighten headstones in the Old Colony Burying Ground, located on South Main Street, on Saturday, June 1, from 9 a.m. to noon.

A 1859 marble headstone memorializing early Granville citizen and entrepreneur Gaylord Adams before it was cleaned in 2023.
A 1859 marble headstone memorializing early Granville citizen and entrepreneur Gaylord Adams before it was cleaned in 2023.
The 1859 marble headstone of early Granville citizen and entrepreneur Gaylord Adams was cleaned in 2023, removing lichens, algae and soil to make the stone more legible.
The 1859 marble headstone of early Granville citizen and entrepreneur Gaylord Adams was cleaned in 2023, removing lichens, algae and soil to make the stone more legible.

This marks the 33rd year of volunteer cleaning service in the Old Colony. Established in 1805, the graveyard is the resting place of many of Granville’s founding settlers, as well as some 75 veterans of five wars including 22 veterans of the American Revolution.

Volunteers are asked to email Lyn Boone at boonel@denison.edu, to register to participate. No prior experience is required, but all participants must attend a training session that will begin at 9 a.m. Cleaning supplies and tools will be provided.

In case of rain, the volunteer session will be postponed to Saturday, June 8.

Information submitted by Lyn Boone.

This article originally appeared on Newark Advocate: Volunteers needed to clean historic headstones at Granville cemetery