Ukrainian HUR plans drone production to counter Russian invasion

Naval drones Magura
Naval drones Magura

Ukrainian military intelligence (HUR) Chief Kyrylo Budanov told NV the drone "surprises" his team is preparing for the Russian army.

Budanov is known to be passionate about drones. HUR plans to expand its drone fleet, he told NV. These new drones will not only target ground and water-based threats but also aerial ones. Currently, intelligence specialists are equipping the drone platform with air defense systems, allowing them to detect, track, and shoot down airborne targets.

Read also: Rada votes to supervise fortification efforts and drone procurement

"It's a challenging task, but it's achievable," Budanov said.

Ukrainian maritime drones have made remarkable progress. Just a few years ago, they were mere conceptual prototypes showcased at international arms exhibitions. Today, Ukrainian engineers, pioneering in the field, have turned these concepts into practical realities, said former Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Zahorodniuk told NV.

Zahorodniuk's insights were featured in the article "The Nightmares of Russian Sailors," which delves into the activities of the HUR Group-13 unit, equipped with Magura maritime drones.

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"After the war, Ukraine is poised to become one of the world's leading exporters of maritime drones," he said.

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