The Tragic Side Effect of Your Love for Prosecco

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From Town & Country

In recent years, the popularity of prosecco has exploded, so much so that a global shortage of the budget-friendly bubbly could be imminent. In order to keep up with the high demand, Italian farmers in the Veneto, the so-called Prosecco Valley, are reportedly turning to pesticides and other chemicals to keep up production.

According to the Daily Mail, the spraying of vines is "taking a dire toll" on the health of people in the area.

"Locals complain of respiratory problems, thyroid disorders and even tumors," cites the publication. "Three children, one resident claims, have developed leukemia, two women have died of ovarian cancer and one has contracted Parkinson's disease. Scientific studies have linked both cell mutation and Parkinson's to prolonged pesticide exposure."

Sandra Padovan, who has lived in the region for 20 years is concerned for her children's well being.

"They spray pesticides on the plants once a week but each grower does it on a different day, so every day the air is filled with chemicals," she told the Daily Mail. "I can't breathe properly.I can't cook, I can't be a good mother."

"I am worried for the health of my children. I don't know what I will do if they get sick."

Another local, Rosy Zampieri, won't leave her house without wearing a surgical mask due to the chemicals in the air.

"I grew up in this house and before the vines were planted it was a dream," she said. "Now I am desperate to sell it."

Still, the wineries assert that their methods are safe. "There is a list of approved pesticides," said producer Roberta Agnoli. "The vine-growers often live on their own land, so they take particular care what they put on the plants."And doctors are split over whether chemicals are causing health concerns in the region.

But if there's any doubt, why not pop a bottle of Champagne this New Year's instead?

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