Traditional Republicans fail to win majority of seats needed to control KCRCC

May 22—Self-described traditional Republicans who accused the official Republican Party in Kootenai County of extremism failed to win control of the party in Tuesday's primary.

It appeared that about 30 candidates backed by the North Idaho Republicans won Kootenai County Republican Central Committee positions in the election. It takes 37 seats to win a majority of committeeman positions and establish control of the party.

The North Idaho Republicans is an association and political action committee that was established to push back against KCRCC's influence on nonpartisan races — in particular, the boards of North Idaho College and the Community Library Network.

A North Idaho Republicans radio ad accused the KCRCC of becoming a breeding ground for extremism that has brought chaos and disgrace to the community.

But KCRCC leaders have accused the North Idaho Republicans of being RINOs, "Republicans in name only."