Tomi Lahren Berated On Twitter For Obamacare Hypocrisy—Here’s What People Are Saying

Tomi Lahren and Chelsea Handler debate at Politicon 2017
Tomi Lahren and Chelsea Handler debate at Politicon 2017

When Tomi Lahren, a right-wing commentator and Obamacare opponent, admitted she benefits from a key provision of the Affordable Care Act in a recent debate with comedian Chelsea Handler, Twitter users sent out a barrage of tweets ridiculing her for taking up such a hypocritical stance.

Lahren has a long history of railing against the Affordable Care Act and has passionately urged congress to repeal it.

But in her heated debate with Handler, which took place on Saturday at the Politicon convention in Pasadena, California, Lahren explained that she was still on her parent’s health care plan—a luxury provided to her by virtue of the very law she has vehemently criticized.

One of the more popular components of Obamacare grants young adults the right to remain on their parents’ insurance plan until the age of 26. Lahren, who is currently 24, admitted that she is now taking advantage of this perk.

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