Teaching union ‘hostile environment’ for Jews, retired teacher claims

National Education Union
National Education Union

The UK’s biggest education union is a “hostile environment” for Jews, a retired teacher claimed after he was heckled for challenging an anti-Israel motion.

Members of the National Education Union (NEU) agreed to blame Israel for the war in Gaza and publish “educational resources” about the conflict at the union’s annual conference in Bournemouth on Thursday.

Peter Block, 75, a retired primary teacher from north west London, who spoke against the motion, was unable to finish his speech as he was heckled and laughed at by delegates.

Speaking to reporters after he left the stage, Mr Block said: “The NEU is a hostile environment for Jewish members, particularly any who have any affiliation or sympathy for Israel.”

He added: “No other speakers have been shut down like I was.”

He told the conference that it was becoming an “anti-Zionist rally” and said delegates were “jumping on the fashionable anti-Israel bandwagon”.

He also warned against “glorifying” Hamas, which he said was a “murderous racist organisation”.

After he was heckled, he told members: “We are still a democracy in this country, as is Israel”.

Some activists were heard chanting “free, free Palestine” and one said “From the River to the Sea” as he left the conference hall.

Mr Block said after his speech: “I had a lot more to say but they [other delegates] stopped me saying it.”

He said his wife had tried to stop him from speaking but he wanted to do it to make sure the motion didn’t “go unanswered”.

“It needs to be answered. It needs to be made public.

“People need to be made aware of what is going on with the union and what they want to do is to infect young teachers with it, so that it’s brought into schools, which I’ve already seen happen. It’s so dangerous.”

Asked if he knew Jewish teachers who felt intimidated by the NEU, he said: “Yes, and a lot have left the union, because they can see the way it is going.”

He also said he believed there are “faults on both sides” of the conflict, but that he thought the motion was promoting a “blinkered, biased, one-sided view”.

Several teachers told Mr Block after the speech that they were disappointed that he had been heckled by members and thanked him for speaking.

Joe Lord, 35, a secondary school teacher from North Yorkshire, said: “If our students saw their behaviour in there, they would be genuinely shocked, regardless of maybe we have different views on this matter.

“My students would be absolutely horrified by that behaviour. We are professional people.”

He added: “You’ve got to hear both sides of the debate. I expect my students to respect other views in my classroom… It was a mob in there.”

Daniel Kebede, general secretary of NEU
Daniel Kebede, general secretary of NEU, said he was 'deeply disappointed' with members' reaction to Mr Block's speech - Geoff Pugh

Speaking in favour of the motion blaming Israel’s “hard-right, racist government” for the conflict, Debs Gwyn, an NEU member from Halton, Cheshire, said the union is “appalled” by the UK government’s “complicity in atrocities” in Gaza.

Last week, Gillian Keegan, the Education Secretary, said the motion was “wholly inappropriate” and “completely ignore[s] the horrific terrorist attacks committed by Hamas on October 7”.

She added: “Teachers have a duty to remain politically impartial and to ensure all sides of contested views are presented fairly and without bias or prejudice.

“These proposals will cause significant hurt to members of the Jewish community and the thousands of Jewish children and parents in British schools.”

Asked about Mr Block’s treatment at the conference, Daniel Kebede, general secretary of NEU, told The Telegraph: “I am a free speech absolutist and if you disagree with them you should listen to them respectfully”.

He added: “I have heard Peter make a contribution in opposition to the Union’s position on Palestine over many years.

“I was deeply disappointed to have it reported to me that Peter, who I know personally, was not given a respectful hearing. Peter is a valued member and plays an important role in Barnet NEU for supply teachers.

“I think it’s clearly essential that all union delegates share and express different views and listen to each other carefully. The conference president immediately reiterated to all delegates that everyone’s views must be heard calmly.

“We have Jewish members with a range of views on this issue and some Jewish members spoke in support of the motion in question.”

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