Taylor Swift Took An Epic Fall At Her Gig, And Handled It Like The Pro That She Is

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images


Today in "Taylor Swift is me" news, everyone's favorite future Oscar-winning star of Cats gave yet another killer performance in her Reputation World Tour on Sunday... and happened to epically wipe out and fall on her butt. Though, to be fair it was pouring with rain at the time.

Fans captured the moment on camera, and the best part is how Taylor barely misses a beat and bounces right back. The other best part? Her faux pushing the dude she's singing with after he helps her up.

Considering some of us (read: ME AF) can barely handle not falling over while simply walking down the street in a straight line, it's honestly impressive Taylor doesn't fall more. But speaking of low-key concert mishaps, she did recently get stuck in a sparkly basket:

Good, Taylor Swift-y times.

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