Taps, wreath laying to honor the fallen on Memorial Day

May 22—MOULTRIE — In addition to the traditional Memorial Day service at Cobb Suncrest Memorial Gardens at 9 a.m. Monday, two other events will honor those who died in the line of duty.

At 10:30, following the Cobb event, the War Memorial at the Courthouse Square will be the site for a community wreath laying. Individuals and service organizations are invited to place a wreath to honor those listed on the memorial. There will be no formal ceremony, just the placing of wreaths to indicate our community has not forgotten. The names of 181 Colquitt County residents are engraved on the War Memorial.

Memorial Day will close at 7:30 p.m. with "Taps at Sunset" sponsored by John Benning Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. The pensive melody "Taps" is heard at Memorial Day ceremonies throughout the nation, a sign of respect and a tribute to those known and unknown who died in service. According to John Benning Chapter Regent Nancy Coleman, "Congress designated 'Taps' as the nation's official 'Song of Remembrance' in the 2013 Defense Authorization Act. The playing of 'Taps' as the sun slips from the sky is such a reverent way to end Memorial Day."

Prior to the playing of "Taps," those in attendance will be invited to say the name of a service member killed in action while placing a remembrance poppy in a memorial wreath. "Saying the name is an important part in making sure those who died in service to our country are not forgotten," Coleman explained. Poppies have been used as a flower of remembrance since World War I.

For more information about the wreath laying or "Taps at Sunset," contact MoultrieDAR@gmail.com.