Sugarcreek Scouts decorate veterans' graves ahead of Memorial Day

SUGARCREEK – Under sweltering heat, Cub Scouts and Boys Scouts from Sugarcreek Pack 91 worked to decorate graves across three different cemeteries in the area recently ahead of Memorial Day weekend.

Leading the Cub Scout Pack was Jimmy Petryszak, who is deaf; and his mother, who worked as an interpreter. With some guidance and assistance from American Legion Post 494 members, led by Commander Linda Stefanov, 117 flags were placed at East Lawn Cemetery by three Cub Scouts: Mason Miller, 9, accompanied by his father, Roy; and, siblings T.J. and Avery Sprowl, accompanied by their mother, Marissa.

Mason Miller, 9, of Ragersville, decorates a grave at East Lawn Cemetery, Monday, May 20 in Sugarcreek. Cub Scout Pack 91 members were decorating graves ahead of Memorial Day.
Mason Miller, 9, of Ragersville, decorates a grave at East Lawn Cemetery, Monday, May 20 in Sugarcreek. Cub Scout Pack 91 members were decorating graves ahead of Memorial Day.

Roy Miller, who was raised Amish, and therefore doesn't have anyone who served in the armed forces in his family, was hurriedly encouraging his son Mason to decorate as they also had a baseball game to get to. "I find it very important to teach Mason the importance of service," he said.

After work was complete at East Lawn, the Boy Scouts took over at Union Hill Cemetery, followed by Bunker Hill Cemetery, where Scoutmaster Mike Hershberger, along with American Legion Post 494 members Denny Linger and Adrian Yoder, provided 27 flags.

T-R staff photographer Andrew Dolph can be reached by phone at 330-289-6072, or by email at You can also find him on Instagram @dolphphoto.

This article originally appeared on The Times-Reporter: Scouts from Sugarcreek decorated veterans' graves before Memorial Day