State Senator Shares Awful Women's March Meme

Photo credit: Mike's Corner/Facebook
Photo credit: Mike's Corner/Facebook

From Cosmopolitan

Indiana state senator Jack Sandlin has been trying to get rid of evidence that he shared a fat-shaming, Michelle Obama-dissing meme about the Women's March on Saturday, reports Select All.

Sandlin apprently shared the meme, which was first posted on Facebook by Mike's Corner, a right-wing page that frequently shares misogynist or racist imagery to its 180,000 followers.

Photo credit: Mike's Corner/Facebook
Photo credit: Mike's Corner/Facebook

The meme, which references the historic size of Saturday's Women's March demonstrations and aims to negate former first lady Michelle Obama's achievements through her Let's Move! campaign, went up on Mike's Corner on Saturday, and it's since been shared over 360,000 times. Sandlin seems to have shared the photo on Sunday without adding any commentary, according to a screenshot captured and posted on Twitter. Facebook users, meanwhile, have been criticizing Sandlin in comments on his Facebook page.

Sandlin later tried to explain what happened, writing another post on his Facebook page that has since been deleted. According to screenshots captured by Select All and IndyStar, Sandlin wrote, "Apparently there is an offensive post on Facebook that's attributed to me about women in Washington marching. Not sure how that ended up on my Facebook wall but that certainly does not reflect my opinion of women. People who know me will know that's not my view."

"I don't believe that I put it there," Sandlin told IndyStar. "There's always an outside chance that I could have hit something. I know others that have had stuff show up on their Facebook wall as well."

The Republican state senator is a former police officer and Army veteran who currently runs a private investigating firm. He is anti-abortion and a member of the NRA, according to Ballotpedia. was not able to reach him for comment.

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