Spotlight: The Cooling Glass Company

If the blog Masala Chai rings a bell, you are probably already familiar with Chennai girl Pavitra. With the launch of her quirky eyewear and accessory label, the writer and curator now wears the hat of a designer. “It all started in the summer of 2016 when my friends and I were headed to a music festival, and I made some fun, embellished sunglasses for all of us.” The Cooling Glass Company was born soon after in October. The designer takes HHC behind the scenes of her young label.

What do you love most about your new avatar as a designer?
I love the entire process from start to finish and the design and creation aspect the most. I don’t make sketches. I just work from an idea in my head to directly having the embellishments and pieces in front of me and trying out various things before I end up with the final product. Having your work appreciated is so gratifying. And when it sells, there’s such a high that comes from something you created going out into the world.

As a young label, what are the biggest challenges The Cooling Glass Company faces?
Since the market for embellished eyewear is very niche and majority of my clientele are festival goers, my biggest challenge is figuring out ways of staying away from that ‘seasonal’ rut. I am self taught, there’s lots of research involved. I moved to the US after marriage and starting from scratch in a new country is tough but also exciting — I love challenges! New businesses require so much attention and managing time can be quite a challenge. It’s a one woman show right now and there are growing pains but so far I love it!

What’s the current moodboard?
Color and shiny things! I am working on original designs that are more ‘classic’ and translate to real life and not just music festival fashion.

Finally, You are a big believer in expressing your authentic self. Any tips for people striving to do the same?
I think it’s a journey to find your authentic self and every person has their own journey. But any given moment, it’s good to see what makes you happy and staying true to that.


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