Sound off for May 24, 2024

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Not cheap

The price of fast food has increased 85.7% since 2019. Who’s to blame? This is a supply-and-demand economy, not a socialist one.

Divisive tactics

Red state vs. blue state, pro-life vs. pro-choice, Christianity vs, Muslim, global vs. isolationist, democracy vs. socialism, etc. Why are we so one-dimensional? Nobody is perfectly either-or. We lack respect for others’ difference of opinions and healthy debate. Everyone must take sides.

The economy

To the person who wrote about the economy. I agree with you on so some level. Especially with regard to all those attending concerts, etc. In case you hadn’t noticed, those are people from well-to-do families. I was in a grocery store last week and watched as an elderly lady was trying to determine which grocery item she needed to put back on the shelf to be able to pay her bill. Long story short, I paid for the item she was going to put back. Try looking around your neighborhood for families making $20,000 or less, if there are any, and ask them if they are better off under Bidenomics.

Test them both

Donald Trump is such a bag of wind. He was going to build a big beautiful wall and make Mexico pay for it; he didn’t. He was going to march to the Capital with his armed, violent supporters; he didn’t. He was going to testify in his Stormy Daniels trial; he didn’t. He says he’s eager to debate Joe Biden, but he’s already posed an escape hatch: Biden has to pass a drug test before Trump will debate. That would be stupid and demeaning of Biden to do, unless Trump submits to a psychiatry test. Understandably, Trump doesn’t want to debate someone who is trumped up on drugs, so why should Biden debate someone who is mentally unhinged? I say test ‘em both and publish the results.

Not scared

I went to check my mailbox after getting out of my car and a Black man approached me. He was talking jibberish and wanted to give me a fist bump. I am a 70-year-old Black woman and, instead of shooting him, I gave him the fist bump.

Bombing Japan

There is no stupidity like “utter stupidity.” To state that we dropped bombs on an island of civilians to end WWII easily qualifies. It totally ignores the sneak attack ambush on Dec. 7, 1941, killing thousands on a quiet Sunday morning at Pearl Harbor by Japan to start the war. Please do yourself a favor and get a modest amount of education.


To the writer that doesn’t believe abortion is health care, I suggest watching the ABC Nightline special “On the Brink.” It can be found on Youtube and some streaming apps. It may give you another perspective. Please watch it and let us know how you feel afterward.

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