Sound Off for April 13, 2024

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I, for one, am grateful to live in a country where people have the freedom to not stand for the Star Spangled Banner. What is showing disrespect for the flag? I find flying a Confederate flag or a Donald Trump flag is disrespectful, but I know it is everyone’s right to do so. If Trump is elected he won’t tolerate Biden flags to be flown. He has vowed to be a dictator on day one and will seek revenge against all those who have or will oppose him. Right out of Vladimir Putin’s playbook. Give me the freedom of sitting when you want to sit and fly whatever flag you want.


The motor homes and travel trailers parked along Highway 90 have the permission of the land owner and usually pay for use of that land. The Cruisin’ event is planned a year ahead with coordination with all the cities and towns along the Coast.


The rental of municipal facilities ordinance is now in effect and the parades and mobile food vending ordinances took effect 30 days from Oct. 24, 2023. This did no go into effect until after Cruisin’ the Coast. Biloxi Chief Miller stated that spring break organizers have had the same opportunities as other event organizers. This is not true if you follow the timeline. The bottom line is spring break is not wanted in Biloxi and the chief is just following the mayor’s orders.

Note cards

It’s a shame that the folks suffering from TDS are not able to focus on the reality of what is really happening to our country. Also, why does President Biden always use note cards? It’s absolutely embarrassing to watch him read from a note card when talking with foreign dignitaries. When conducting a news conference he has to read either from a teleprompter or note cards and refers to note cards when asking specific reporters for questions, then reads the answer from the note card. Doesn’t make a person have much, if any, confidence in this president and raises the question of who is running this Administration.


We all remember the Inflation Reduction Act, but it didn’t reduce inflation. It was a green energy push for liberals that produced even higher prices. Everything from vehicles to food are now unaffordable.


I see the Republicans in Jackson are trying to stab the state and university workers and retirees in the back again. I didn’t get a raise in the last 17 years that i worked at the University of Southern Mississippi, but i stayed because it stll had a real pension system. But just watch, the Republicans will make sure that they will have a lucrative pension just for themselves.

Let’s hope

This weekend will have beautiful weather. Let’s pray that the haters stay away from the beachfront and let the kids enjoy two days of our beautiful beach. That’s what I do in October.

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