There are just 1,000 hours to save Britain

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak makes a statement outside 10 Downing Street announcing UK general election will take place on 4 July in London
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak makes a statement outside 10 Downing Street announcing UK general election will take place on 4 July in London
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Only two political messages resonate at general elections. The first is that “it’s time for change”; the second is “don’t let the other lot mess it up”. Rishi Sunak’s mission over the next six weeks will be to counter the first by unveiling a radical programme that appeals to his disillusioned base, while emphasising the second by demonstrating how destructive a Starmer government would be.

The Prime Minister’s decision to call an early election, making it possible that his tenure in No 10 will be shorter even than Sir Anthony Eden’s, is a remarkable gamble; he must now be equally brave in the policies he unveils and the messaging he adopts. His presentation will need to be professional, more so than his rain-drenched speech announcing the election, partly drowned out by a New Labour anthem. His attacks on the opposition will have to be ferocious.

He is the underdog, trailing by 20 points in the polls, and has nothing to lose. He must prove that he hasn’t given up, that he isn’t calling a general election out of fear of further defections. He must ignore the liberal elites, his chin-wagging faux-friends, and the advice of columnists who would be far more comfortable with a Labour government. He needs to focus on what conservative and centre-Right adjacent voters want to hear, which means that there must be clear blue water between the parties.

He must eschew complex, technocratic schemes, and focus on clear retail policies aimed at his own voters. He needs to forget about appealing to those who have already made up their minds to vote for Left-wing parties, or who always back the Greens, the SNP, the Lib Dems or Labour. He must give floating voters concrete reasons why they would be better off if he is reelected. Crucially, he needs to expose Labour’s radical Left-wing agenda, and remind Tory defectors of how much worse life for them and the country would be under Starmer.

The Prime Minister believes that there will be even better news on inflation next month, and hopes that the Bank of England will start to cut interest rates before the election. He may have decided that waiting for a pre-election fiscal event later in the year was pointless, either because voters aren’t responding to the National Insurance reductions he has already announced or because the public finances are too bad to allow any more tax cuts. He will argue that Labour (and its supposed “lack of a plan”) risks jeopardising a hard-won recovery, inject “uncertainty” into the economy and prevent further interest rate cuts.

Such an approach doesn’t go far enough. It is hard to defend the Tory record on tax, inflation, growth and per capita incomes. Blaming Covid, which many have memory-holed, only gets one so far. Sunak will find it much more fruitful to turn the spotlight onto what Labour would do: they are bound to have to invent ever more intrusive taxes that will hammer the middle class.

Labour is a Left-wing party for which much higher public spending is akin to a religious belief; through its close relationship to the unions, it is explicitly on the side of producers, not consumers. Given how high the tax burden already is, further increases will be eye-wateringly painful: pension tax relief could go, and at some point Labour may feel that it has no option but to impose a wealth tax, with disastrous consequences.

Starmer will deny all of this, but Sunak can point to Welsh Labour, which is seeking to revalue council tax and is using satellites to spy on homeowners with big gardens. He should bite the bullet, and promise to abolish inheritance tax entirely if he is elected, setting up a clear choice between the Conservatives and Labour.

The PM apparently believes that he has wrong-footed Nigel Farage by calling an election for July 4; he must now make a bold offer to Reform’s crucial electorate. He needs to be firm on Brexit, and highlight how Labour is bound to begin a gradual sell-out.

He needs to finalise reforms to the policing of protests, stand firm in his defence of Israel against the terrorist savages of Hamas, and highlight Labour’s increasing equivocation on this issue. David Lammy, to his great shame, backed the International Criminal Court prosecutor’s absurd attack on Benjamin Netanyahu; Labour also wants to halt arms sales to Israel.

It will be touch and go whether the first Rwanda flight is ready to take off before the election, and in any case the Supreme Court could easily upend Sunak’s plans. Merely stating that immigration is finally falling, as he did at the podium outside No 10, won’t wash. He needs to get on the front-foot, make a toughening of Rwanda laws a centrepiece of his manifesto, and shock the Left by promising to withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights and other international treaties preventing UK control of its own borders if he is reelected.

He mustn’t be scared of the ensuing fight: Sunak will need clear dividing lines. He needs to convey to the electorate that he will fight for the majority against the tyranny of an out-of-touch, pro-Labour elite. He needs to take on the human rights lawyers.

On every important issue, the Prime Minister must distinguish himself from Labour, and show that they are still radically to the Left of the mainstream voter. He must promise a much tougher reform of the welfare state. He has already pledged to halt sex education for young children. He is far more sensible on trans rights than Starmer, who would still make it easier for people to change gender. Sunak must demonstrate how Labour’s embrace of critical race theory would divide British society and heap costs on business.

On net zero, Sunak needs to position himself as the moderate, pro-consumer, pro-motorist, anti-20mph and anti-Ulez voice, and contrast that to Labour’s hair-shirt green zealotry. He must explain how Labour’s dislike of achievement won’t end with its hideous war on private schools, but will involve a power grab over state academies and a decline in standards.

Starmer isn’t Jeremy Corbyn, but he will lead a historically Left-wing government that is immensely more woke, more socialist and weaker on foreign policy than the Blair-Brown administration ever was. Sunak has six weeks to save Britain from a truly sorry fate.

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