Silvio Berlusconi Wants His Old Job Back

Italians tabloid editors are probably jumping for joy right now. Silvio Berlusconi, the disgraced former Prime Minister of Italy, told reporters Saturday that he's ready to return to politics. 

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Berlusconi's People of Freedom party formally withdrew support from current Prime Minister Mario Monti because he feels Monti's austerity measures, ones put in place to try and help Italy out of the mountain of debt Berlusconi left it with, have only done harm to Italy's economy. Monti brushed off the loss off the loss of support and said it was, "manageable." Monti should be surprised. Berlusconi warned this day would come in the summertime. 

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The expectation is Monti will loss a confidence vote sometime in the near future, paving the way for elections early next year. Berlusconi resigned over the government's decision to implement austerity measures against his wishes just a little over a year ago. 

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Because Berlusconi's party could not find a leader as well known as the former PM, they decided to settle with the devil they know. Berlusconi told reporters Saturday he would seek re-election when the opportunity comes, despite not missing being Prime Minister "not even for a minute." To hear Berlusconi tell it, he's coming back out of a "sense of responsibility," for the Italian people. We can see the campaign posters now, "Berlosconi cares." 

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Of course, it won't be easy for Berlusconi's campaign managers. He'll be seeking reelection while appealing that one year jail sentence (that was originally a four year sentence) he received earlier this year for tax evasion, and while facing separate charges for soliciting underage prostitutes related to his infamous "bunga bunga" parties. The AP also notes he "faces plunging poll numbers." 

RELATED: Silvio Berlusconi on the Brink in Italy

Like we said, Italian tabloid editors are popping champagne bottles right now.